Friday, December 18, 2015

ルーメトのりゅうとに てがみをかきました。日本人なので、りょうとは冬休みに日本にかえります。僕らはたくさんおなじのじょうぎょうがあります。本当に彼をおせわになります。ここで彼へのあらがたいきもちをおつがれします。

じゃあ みんさん、来年で、

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Totally unrelated but why not...

さいきん じょうぎょうといそがしいすきて じかんがありません。それで、あまりおもしろいものを post できません。すみません。今いちばんおもしろいものは これです。
Thermodynamics は かなりむずかしいわだいですが、このきょうかしょはとてもよみやすいです。日本と かんけいは ありませんが、とてもいいきょうかしょです。ぜひ、これをよんでください!


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Goal Statement Revision


Now it is the time for me to go back and reflect on how much I have done in the past few months. I feel that I have become somewhat stronger at speaking. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement. I have followed most of the guidelines that I made with an exception of going to Japanese Language Table three times per month. I have realized that it is impossible to follow with my schedule, so I decided to reduce it to only one per month. Also, I am adding practicing sentence structure that is taught in class as a new exercise. I came to realize that quickly recalling sentence structure is very important to speaking skill. Thus, these are the changes:

1. Go to Japanese Language Table at least once a month. (instead of three)
2. List sentence structure I learn in class and practice them individually. The goal is to remember what sentences I have learned and to recall them quickly.

まだしゅくだいがあります。 いまそれをします。 じゃ、また。


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

これはぼくのじこうしょうかいです! そんにおもしろくありませんが みてください!


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Learning Goal


My goal in Japanese learning this semester is the following:

1. Speaking: I want to be able to speak naturally. I think speaking exactly like a native speaker is too tall an order (case in point, my English, hahaha). However, I will not make the same mistake as I did with English language by trying to identify and fix all my pronunciation early on before it becomes a habit. Thus, I will focus on pronouncing word one by one and not rush it. My main goal for the semester is to be able to speak correctly and confidently!

2. Listening: This is skill that I am most confident of. After all, I have been consuming quite a bit of Japanese media. My goal for listening skill is to recognize grammar structure and to listen more comprehensively. I wish to become better at picking up small details in speech. Also, I want to be able to not just understand but differentiate voices so that I can reproduce it in writing.

3. Reading: My goal is to be able to read most if not all of Japanese material with furigana on it with a certain level of comprehension. I also want to be able to assign word meaning more quickly to the text just by looking at it not reading it aloud.

4. Writing: I want to use my writing skill to enhance my understanding of Japanese. For example, I want to be able to transcribe Japanese sound I hear.

How I will reach my goals:

I probably won't reach all of them in this semester, hahaha. The goals I list are merely what I want to achieve, but my schedule is probably not made for them. I will refer to them as my ideals and remind myself I have more to do!

But this is how I will try to reach those goals:

1. I will do ALL vocab pronunciation exercise to learn how to say each word one by one. I will do ALL chapters' dialog shadowing and simulation to speak more naturally.

2. I will attend at least 3 Japanese language table per month with possible exception if I have a major project or test due on Wednesday.

3. I will find and read Japanese reading material and read for 2 hours per week.

4. I will continue to listen to Japanese music, but I will switch to looking up lyrics in Japanese instead of karaoke language.

These I believe are very minimal. However, as a freshmen, I have absolutely no clue how busy I am going to be, so I will just go with something I can probably do for sure!

Thanks for reading this, or taking a glance at this,
Kasarn J

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


こんにちわ!ぼくのなまえは jeradechachai です。タイのバンコクからきました。でもこうこうはテキサスのこうこうです。だからりゅがくせいじゃありません。プリンストンだいがくのいちねんせいです。いませんこうはこうがくです。にっぽんのすべてがすきです。なにかおもしいことがあったら、ぼくをいってください!

Kasarn J

Friday, September 18, 2015

I wanted to study Japanese because I just love everything about Japan. I like doing activities like listening to J-pop, watching J-Drama and anime, reading manga, etc. Learning slowly about the country through media is very enjoyable. I just want to learn more and more. The curiosity comes very naturally. From consuming so much media in Japanese, I have learned quite a bit of listening skill. Initially, I wanted to focus more on reading and writing skill in this class. However, after a few days in the class, I realized that speaking skill is also very difficult to pick up. Therefore, my goal in this course would be to take advantage of what I already know to become a more balanced Japanese language user. 

Kasarn Jeradechachai